Thursday, June 19, 2008

Konner is 3!

Where does the time go... Konner just turned 3 and i can not believe it. we had a birthday party for him at the park and he had a great time. here are some pictures from the big day!

blowing out the candles

He loves the bike!

Konner and Colton
he loves the shirt from Em

do you think he likes the pool? ha

Ok so i thought i would just tell you a few things about konner...
Konners 5 Favorite Things (right now)
1. blue gogurt
2. meet the robinsons
3. his stick horse
4. dirty jeans & Boots
5. the new bike
5 Things Konner says (right now)
1. gotfer = forgot
example: mom you gotfer to get my socks
2. mom if you are
naughty you have to sit in your room huh?
3. mom can i sit in the
front seat today or are we going on the fast road
4.wanna see my nips?
haha ok so he really keeps us laughing with the things he says these are just a few of the things i hear on a daily basis...


Melinda said...

The look on his face opening those presents is priceless! What a cutie! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KONNER!!

The Staheli's said...

I couldn't believe how good he was at cruising that bike! And that park was awesome. We'll have to go back once it's not like a bagillion degrees outside! ;)

Sundae and Aaron said...

Hahahahahahaha!! I love the things that he says... Gee, how often do you drive on the fast road??

Hillary said...

Your kids are so cute. I want to add you to my blog, but I need your email first. So email me at

Jason and Tawni said...

Happy Birthday Konner! Wow, it seems like you were just pregnant with him. I love these pictures and I love the things he is saying. The one about going on the "fast road" is my favorite!