Sunday, June 6, 2010

An Apple A Day....

Keeps the Dentist away! Well, I think we need to start eating some more apples at our house. Konner had his 6 month cleaning and he did really good.. BUT.. He has 4 cavities and the dentist wants to cap 4 of his teeth! I really do not understand how that could be possible when 7 months ago he didn't have a single cavity and its not like he never brushes his teeth. So the dentist wants to put him under and do all the work at once.... ugh I am really going to have to think this over and maybe get a second opinion. I don't understand why they would want to cap a baby tooth and it doesn't make sense to me that his teeth would get that bad in 7 months. 

On the other hand, Konner did great! He let them x-ray his mouth and clean his teeth! They put on Madagascar, gave him a NEW toothbrush, a book, and let him pick out a balloon! 
We had to wait in the waiting room for OVER AN HOUR!!! yeah... an hour! It was ridiculous! So while we were waiting we took some GREAT pictures!

showing our "big sharp teeth"


The Staheli's said...

I just showed Avery this post to see that Konner actually sat in the chair!! Good job Konner! :) Maybe I can get Avery to go next time. Sorry about the caps & stuff...that seems weird to me too. In just 6 months those cavities would show up? AND the fact that they want to do caps on baby teeth...but I really don't know much about dentistry. :)

Adele said...

definitely get a 2nd opinion - - Isaac had to have some work done and the dentist wanted to put him under, which is not only scary, but so dang spendy! - I found another dentist who specializes in children, and who is a bit more "old school" - and he was able to do it all no problem - Greg has had some teeth capped - the problem is that even though they are baby teeth, if they aren't coming out for a long time (which at 5 they won't for awhile!) then they have to "fix" them - if they pull them you end up dealing with spacers, which is a major drag.....but yeah - get that 2nd opinion cause 7mos seems awfully fast for them to get that bad - good luck! :(

Bradi said...

Kason and Brooklyn go to the same dentist you went to. Brooklyn didn't have any cavities and Kason had 3. They told me they wanted to put him under to fix them since he was only 4. I thought about it for a week and decided that I didn't like that I couldn't be back with him when they worked on his teeth and I thought about when I was little... there was no putting under, you just dealt. I just talked to the doctor about it and he said he would try and fix them without putting him under (and I could be back there then). Kason did great... shots and all. The dentist did great too to make him feel comfortable. 30 minutes later all his teeth were fixed and we were done. Sometimes they say 6 cavities because they are between 2 teeth... so really it might only be 3 spots. :)
Sorry for rambling. :) Good luck!