Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Zayd's first pedicure

A couple weeks ago, Joyce told Zaydee if she could go 2 weeks without having an accident, she would take her to get a pedicure. Well she did it! So, on Tuesday they went and got their toe nails done. Zaydee loved it and  told me all about it. Her favorite part was the bubble water, the "ticklish stuff" and the fact that Brookie was there too! She loves every chance she gets to play with another girl!
 Soakin' in the bubble water
The finished product. Zaydee shows her toes to everyone. She also wants to make sure everyone knows she has flowers on them....... just like mommy

1 comment:

Adele said...

so cute - and so fun - and what a fun grandma! (hey, we have those same shoes!) she sure is a cutie!