Thursday, July 15, 2010

So Literal

The other night, the kids and I were cleaning up the living room. 
I handed Zaydee a plastic sack and asked her to please go put it under the kitchen sink. She ran in the kitchen, came back so happy and said, "I put it under the sink mom!" 
I said thank you baby and continued on with the cleaning. When we were done I put the kids to bed and went into the kitchen to get a drink and saw this.......
It is definitely under the sink!!
I chuckled out loud and then got my camera to take a picture. I said "put it under the kitchen sink" I just figured she would know what I meant. That's what I get for assuming.... haha It made me remember and think that you need to teach your children. She did exactly what I said and was so proud of herself. I love her so much! Can't imagine life with out the little stinker!

don't worry about all the dishes in the sink! I only have so much time in a day to do the things that need done. Unfortunately the house work is on the very bottom of that list, usually.

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